5D Healing Crystals

Himalayan salt chunks


Advocates say Himalyan salt work in two ways:

Pull in particles. These Salt supposedly attract allergens, toxins, and pollutants to their surface.

Possibly release negative ions. Some people believe negative ions in the air have health benefits.

Ions are molecules that have undergone a change in charge. Negative ions have gained an electron. Positive ions have lost one.

Some people say they feel more refreshed and clear-headed after a storm, a feeling they believe is due to the amount of negative ions in the air. Commercial ionizers and purification systems also produce negatively charged ions to create cleaner and more comfortable indoor spaces.

Himalayan salt supposedly produce negatively charged ions while water molecules from the air attract to -- and then evaporate from the warmth of its surface. Those who believe in the health benefits of these Himalayan Salt give negative ions much of the credit.

Some people believe that positive ions in the air increase anxiety, crankiness, and other unpleasant feelings. They say that negative ones ease stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well-being.

Studies suggest that high amounts of negative air ions alter levels of serotonin, a chemical that contributes to feelings of well-being. In some studies, negative ions at high concentrations did lessen depression slightly.

Asthma and allergies. The notion that negative ions may improve breathing has led to a few studies on the topic. In most of them, negative ions didn't ease breathing or asthma symptoms. They also didn't lower inhaler use in children and adults with chronic asthma.

Cleaning the air. Negative ions do have some ability to clean harmful particles from the air. When ions build up on bacteria or pollen, they neutralize the pollutants. Studies suggest that negative and positive ions may kill germs, though exactly how isn't clear, and some experts say the germ-killing may be due to other reasons. In any case, there's no evidence salt lamps have this effect.

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