5D Healing Crystals
Labradorite Sphere #02
This is a stone that will help you become the person that you are destined to be.
It will cleanse your aura and work with your chakras to remove the bad habits, thoughts, and feelings that are preventing you from reaching your full potential.
For thousands of years, there was a story from the Inuit peoples that claimed labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms.
Labradorite is a powerful aura protector because it prevents energy leaks. It also keeps ‘energy vampires’ from tapping into and draining your personal energy.
As a workplace stone, Labradorite brings out the best in people, making work life more congenial. It encourages courtesy and full attention to the customer, and assists part-time and temporary staff in becoming fully involved in a company. [Eason, 163]
Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless or impulsive behavior in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs. [Megemont, 109][Eason, 163]
Labradorite helps develop the hands' sensitivity, making it useful for physiotherapists and all who use the power of touch to heal.