5D Healing Crystals

Greenland Nuummite


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The 3 Billion Year Old “Sorcerer's Stone”

Nuummite is a 3 billion year old Crystal that has experienced Earth’s transformation through time!

Nuummite is the magical “Sorcerer’s Stone“. This rare mystical crystal hails from Nuuk, Greenland and holds Gaia’s ancient energies. Nuummite is a perfect crystal for past life regressions and remembering memories from one’s past.

Nuummite is difficult to mine because of the freezing temperatures in #Greenland. The rarity of this crystal will make owning a piece of this crystal definitely one of your cherished treasures.

Beware of imitation Nuummite on the market that is sold as #Arfvedsonite, #Astrophyllite and #Coppernite. These crystals may look similar and if a seller doesn’t provide bright enough photos, it can be hard to tell. The genuine kind has a deeper, older, dimensional energy to it.

the Sorcerer's Stone, draws from the fiery energies of ancient Earth and combines with the elements of Storm. Nuummite is a stone of tremendous grounding, attuned to the elemental forces of Earth that can be drawn upon in times of need.

#Nuumite, Healing and Health. Nuummite is very rare and hard to get, and it's also a very powerful healer. It can be used for general healing purposes and relieve pains and discomforts. It can be very helpful in tissue regeneration and in easing the pains associated with degenerative diseases.

#Nuummite has a potent vibration, and has become known as the Sorcerers stone. Once you begin to resonate with its powerful energy you may understand why.

This is an ancient stone that embodies strong metaphysical properties, and a deeply felt resonance that is an extraordinary aid to move your spiritual growth forward quickly.

After using this stone you may find an inclination for using your personal magical abilities, and a desire to learn more about this subject may emerge.

Within this dark stone is a strong element of the magical and mystical vibration of the earth. If you use it, this may help you to attune yourself with deep earth energy.
This is a strong stone, that commonly brings good luck and an increase in the number and frequency of experiencing synchronistic events in your life. This seemingly random bringing together of unrelated events is a strong aid to moving you forward in your life... and may assist manifestation.

Magic is often misunderstood, and some people feel that magical abilities are not positive. On the contrary... the mastery of magic can be a force for extreme good. By attuning yourself with earth energy and the elemental forces and elemental beings, you can add to the positive energy within your life.

Nuummite resonates powerfully within the earth chakra, and it will attune with your energy to accentuate any magical abilities you already possess. This is a stone that will aid you to enhance your magical powers and make contact with these elemental forces.
This energy of this stone is also highly protective... especially against stronger levels of magic.

If you have been strongly attracted to this stone, it may be the process of coincidence and synchronicity that this stone creates.

Nuummite is a powerful shamanic journeying stone... and once you have mastered its energy, you may find that you are able to more easily move forward on these inner journeys. Its strong energy allows you to have faith in your level of psychic protection against negative entities and against psychic attack.

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