5D Healing Crystals

Horse for Victory and Success


Feng Shui Horse Significance and Use

Feng Shui Horse is one of the good luck symbol widely known to bring fame, recognition and success in career, together with the Dragon Turtle.

It also has many other representations namely, speedy, power, victory, strength, perseverance and vigor.

Feng Shui Horse Symbol Do’s and Don’ts

1. The placement of the Feng Shui Horseis best to be placed in living room or main hall of the home. Do not position it in a private areas like the bedroom because of the strong Yang element.

2. You can place it at your work space because it is believed to increase your ability to achieve your goals and overcome competition with little effort, hence it is a popular lucky charm suitable for people who are working in a competitive environment.

3. You can place the Feng Shui horse at your wealth area that can help to enhance the career luck and also the accumulation of wealth.

4. You can considered placing the horse symbol in the South sector (Fame and Reputation area) of your home or office.

5. Beside the South, North is the next good place to position this symbol because it is the Career area.

6. Avoid displaying images with horses that are incomplete or cut off.

7. The head of the horse should be facing the main door or windows, symoblizing going out to strive for career success.

8. In a more advanced Feng Shui practice that is based on your chinese zodiac animal sign, there is a place specially for horse that is called “驿马位”, representing career victory It is best suitable for those who are in the trading, logistics, real estate, insurance and for those who keep going oversesas for business.

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