5D Healing Crystals

Worry Stones


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A smooth small stone with a thumb indent - who would have thought such a simple object could bring so much soothing energy? The worry stone has been around for centuries and is no new fad. These flat stones are known for bringing anxiety relief and self-soothing during times of heightened stress - hence the name. Worry stones can also be called pocket stones, palm stones, and other names. Thumb stones, or worry stones as they are better known, are often carved from crystals or polished gemstones, and these stones are usually from precious stones chosen for their healing properties.  The idea behind the worry stone is to rub it between your forefinger and thumb or to fidget with the stone when feeling nervous or overwhelmed. 

The act of rubbing the stone works with acupressure which stimulates certain pressure points connected to meridians. This then sends calming messages to the brain and allows happy hormones to be released, which can bring us back into balance. These palm stones can also be rubbed while chanting mantras or during meditation to still and soothe the mind.

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