5D Healing Crystals

Obsidian Piyao Pendant

₱800 ₱1,300

Attract positive energy, prosperity, good health, wealth and fortune.

Pi Xiu is a legendary being that originated in China. He is the 9th son of the Dragon King that has been regarded as one who attracts and keeps wealth and good fortune of its owner or master. It has a head of a dragon, the body of a horse, horn of a deer, and claws of a lion and some are also shown with wings.

It is believed that once you possess a Pixiu, it will help you to attract and accumulate wealth and that is the reason why it is the most popular Feng Shui enhancer. If placed in home, it helps to subdue any evil and serve as a protecting guardian to safeguard the house and occupants.

Pixiu also have the power to protect the master from calamity and dangers.

Note: Always touch the Pixiu to connect with it and let it know that you are its owner. Avoid having someone touching it but if it happen, just rinse the Pixiu with water.

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