5D Healing Crystals

Wealth Multiplier 5D Evo



Peridot can be used to bless and energize one’s work, whether it be tending one’s garden, raising children, working as a healer, building a business or assisting others in such activities. It is a tool for helping to bring physical reality into alignment with one’s inner truth. This includes success and abundance in one’s career endeavors, if one is doing one’s right work, and if one believes oneself to be deserving of success. Peridot can assist one in reestablishing a sense of self-worth if one is plagued by guilt or regret for past deeds. It quiets spiritual fears and allows one to move forward on one’s evolutionary path. It supports one in taking responsibility and making amends for any suffering one may have caused.

Golden Rutilated Quartz is a very powerful stone to use, as it may be #programmed with your intentions. This may assist you to move your life forward more quickly in your desired direction, as this has a powerful action to aid #manifestation.

The sizzling power of the threads of #rutile will bring through intense energy, and combined with the quartz create an amazing vibration.

This process may stimulate your spiritual creativity, and your ability to manifest what you desire in your life, through the power of intention.

Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. It is particularly used to promote success in business if used in the cash box of a shop, carried or worn, earning it another nickname, "Merchant's Stone." In addition to manifesting abundance, citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared.

Herkimer Diamonds are extremely well in amplifying the properties of other stones as well. It can make a very small rock feel like its much larger and produce more energy.

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