5D Healing Crystals

Petrified Wood Bracelet



allow your fears to disappear! Petrified Wood is a very healing, grounding stone that calms your worries and fills you with feelings of security. It was once an ancient, living, breathing tree that has fossilized over thousands of years. If you live in the city, keep Petrified Wood nearby to have the vibration of nature close by.

Petrified Wood may assist you to read the Akashic Records, and are helpful to use for past life or ancestral healing, assisting you to connect to the past through following the rings in the stone.

Also called Fossilized Wood, they have a strong grounding energy which may assist you to make a good connection via the base and earth chakra to Mother Gaia.

Connect with Petrified Wood to establish deep roots, so that even when scared you’re scared, you are grounded in the energy of calm. Let the earth energy of this stone ease your nerves and fears, and fill you instead with feelings of wellbeing and security. The petrified wood meaning is ideal for meditation, as it helps you to distinguish between what is important and what is not.

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