5D Healing Crystals

Peridot Earrings


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Peridots are little green nuggets of positive power. Their vibration brings an inner sense of warmth and well-being, like sunshine on a spring day. Peridots help one activate and harmonize the third and fourth chakras, creating an integration of Love and Will. They can assist us in having the courage to act out our heart’s desires, and to be generous to others, even as we pursue our individual destinies. Peridot is a stone of financial and spiritual abundance, and it can aid in attracting and creating our most important inner visions.

Peridot can be used to bless and energize one’s work, whether it be tending one’s garden, raising children, working as a healer, building a business or assisting others in such activities. It is a tool for helping to bring physical reality into alignment with one’s inner truth. This includes success and abundance in one’s career endeavors, if one is doing one’s right work, and if one believes oneself to be deserving of success. Peridot can assist one in reestablishing a sense of self-worth if one is plagued by guilt or regret for past deeds. It quiets spiritual fears and allows one to move forward on one’s evolutionary path. It supports one in taking responsibility and making amends for any suffering one may have caused.

Peridot resonates with the energy of abundance and increase. It multiplies all the good things in life. It stimulates good health & cellular rejuvenation to help with aging.

Peridot has been long considered to be an aid to friendship and supposedly frees the mind of envious thoughts. It is also supposed to protect the wearer from the evil eye. Other legends credit peridot with bringing happiness and good cheer, attracting lovers, and strengthening the eyes.

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