Towers & Generators
There are many ways to use Generators. They are typically used as an energy tool in crystal rituals. In many cases, these crystal points are used to amplify the energies of other crystals, radiate light, manifest intentions more effectively, and release positive energies to people and environments.
To tap into their powers, Generators are held during meditation sessions or placed in certain parts of a room that need energy cleansing. People also use them as the centre point of a crystal grid, or a geometric arrangement of various crystals to combine their powers.
For this purpose, a Generator works to manifest the goals, intentions, and desires of a person or group doing the meditation session. The Generator activates the powers of the crystals in the grid and communicates intentions to the Universe.
Generator crystal points can form in nature, although they are rare. Some people claim that these natural points carry a much stronger energy because they are raw crystals. But both polished and natural Generators work the same way because of their internal molecular structure.

Tigers Eye Tower

Sodalite Tower

Selenite Tower Lamp

Selenite 7Chakra Tower

Ruby Zoisite

Que sera tower

Money Agate Obelisk