5D Healing Crystals

Handmade Ganesha God Libyan Desert Glass


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The large elephant head of Lord Ganesha symbolizes wisdom, understanding, and a discriminating intellect that one must possess to attain perfection in life. The wide mouth represents the natural human desire to enjoy life in the world.

Confidence, mental acuity, psychic protection, access to Akashic records, manifestation, realization of personal potential

Chakras: All

Elements: Fire, Storm

Libyan Gold tektite’s vitalising energy is believed to help shy people come out of their shells. It may help to strengthen our energy field, will and powers of creativity and manifestation. It is often used to access the Akashic Records, early Egyptian civilisations or extraterrestrial connections. It is believed to stimulate digestion, metabolism and the endocrine system and activates all the chakras.

These crystals have impressive metaphysical properties to aid manifestation of abundance and prosperity and to heighten spiritual growth.

#Libyan #desert #glass EGYPT

“Rock Of The God”

The Stone-Age people knew this tektite very well, discovering the glass in the Paleolithic period and lived in the area hundreds of thousands of years ago before it became desert. They had pragmatic ways of using the stone in tools, where it was used as substitute for flint stone in the form of sharp blades and graters. Yet, its the ancient Egyptians that found less practical uses for this “special” stone, as they considered it to be very precious and to hold powerful energy. By the time of the great Egyptian Pharaohs, the area was only accessible by hardy nomads who must have traded regularly with those living in the Nile valley. Therefore, due to its rarity and esoteric value, it became part of religious objects such as the scarab-carved amulet of Tutankhamen, as the centerpiece of his pectoral breastplate. For it to have been carved in the form of a scarab, which is the symbol of the Sun-god Ra, would seem to indicate that the ancient Egyptians were aware of its powerful cosmic connections that this stone draws in.

Today, Libyan Desert Glass is not only a valued and pricey gem beauty for collectors, but its esoteric energies attributed to this “rock of the god” are vastly potent. Its high costs are attributed to the cost of retrieving it on remote expedition from the uninhabitable desert. Yet, its amazing qualities, priced similarly to Moldavite, are well worth the cost to at least own one in your collection. Only recently have those working with stones and crystals started to realize and understand the huge potential that these unique tektites offer.

Some of the metaphysical properties include a long and prosperous life, balancing of male and female polarities, stimulating growth and karmic completion, strengthening the auric field, facilitating communication between the third dimension and the origin of the gem, tool for meditating and connecting with other realms and advanced consciousness, stimulating increased cosmic flow, which can result in acceleration of heart rate, spacey feeling and out-of-body experiences, strengthening and energizing the heart and chest areas and said to bring the holder great luck by ancient cultural belief. It is also a stone of teaching and resonates strongly with the energy of the Hermit card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck; the wise teacher who looks within for answers of the universe and receives in silence.

The way that they create inter-dimensional connections between many realms, lends energy to seeing them as “bridge builders” helping to integrate and harmonize all of existence through heart-blending at a universal, collective consciousness level. This energy, amongst others, will become increasingly important and essential as we shift our consciousness and vibrations into that of the new Golden Age of being.

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