5D Healing Crystals

Merkaba Amethyst Pendulum


How do you use it? There are a multitude of methods to dowsing, but most include connection to your pendulum and asking it questions. It is said that when working with a pendulum, you are really just asking questions of your higher self.

It can be done simply or with great ritual, but I employ the following (and super simple) method. It’s helped me to find objects, make decisions, and, once in a while, to help settle an argument. So herewith, a simple guide:

Step one: Center yourself. You can do this by simply breathing with the intention of letting the stress out, or make it more of a ritual by lighting candles, putting on some zen music, or diffusing essential oils. Relax — the point here is to quiet your mind so you’ll be able to connect with your higher self more easily.

Step two: Connect to the pendulum. Sit with your pendulum. Find a comfortable place for you to sit and begin to relax as much and you can. Hold the pendulum in your hand. Take a look at it. Respect it. To connect even further I like to do this by holding the pendulum in a fist by my heart for just a few seconds or breaths.

Step three: Establish a connection and identify your “Yes” and “No.” You need to learn what your body’s “yes” and “no” responses are. To establish this quickly, hold the pendulum 6 - 8 inches above the palm of your hand. Begin to ask simple yes/no questions that you know the answers to and see what the responses are. I like to say “My name is...” Take note of what happens for each response.

Step four: Ask your questions. This is the easy part, but you must keep in mind that the pendulum can only answer simple yes/no questions. If you ask something that isn’t directly a yes or no, your answer won’t be clear.

And that’s it!

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