5D Healing Crystals

Lava Stone, Pyrite, Hematite and Obsidian Necklace


All of us have a fire inside and it is our destiny to ignite it. More importantly, one must be able to find what it is that really gets you out of bed each day. These small actions describe the life that you would like to live and the massive change that’s required to achieve it. Lava Rock directs your internal desires to your second brain (your gut), which houses your incredible will that is needed to maintain your happiness.

Pyrite is also very powerful when it comes to manifestation. Meditating with a piece of Pyrite, or simply carrying around a stone daily can have a dramatic effect on your life. Meditating with Pyrite helps activate its powers which then transfer directly to you. We always recommend saying out loud what it is that you want in your life. From that point forward cultivate those thoughts and ideas into a tangible product. Just hearing yourself say what you want can remind you that it is in fact achievable.

Hematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter to you most while guiding you on the right path. It’s a stone of attraction, much like that of a magnet.

Black Obsidian gets rid of all the junk and cleanses all negativity out of your auric field and environment. This stone has powerful grounding frequencies and will heavily assist in psychic protection when needed. Obsidian also brings out all of our creative energies so that they may be intertwined and influence our every action.

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