5D Healing Crystals
Raw Moldavite Bracelet Czech Republic
Moldavite is a tektite, and a stone of intense frequency and high vibration. In ancient times it was thought to be a mystical stone that could bring good luck and fulfillment of wishes.
About 14.8 million years ago, a large meteorite crashed in what is known today as the Czech Republic. The impact was estimated to be 6 trillion megatons, which is stronger than all the atomic bombs currently on earth combined. Believe it or not, this is strong enough to vaporize rock, and that is what is theorized to have happened. The collision caused the meteorite and the terrestrial rock to evaporate into a gas which in turn rained down in liquid form and cooling, condensing and solidifying on its way down as it hit the crater. This newly formed glass is what we call Moldavite today.
At least 25,000 years ago, the ancient Neolithic people of Eastern Europe wore and crafted moldavite as spiritual talismans and amulets for good fortune and fertility.
The Tabula Smaragdina or Emerald Tablet, was a condensed piece of the Hermetica, contains the foundational secret knowledge of alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition. The text is believed to explain in cryptic language the secrets of prima materia and its transmutation to create the fabled Philosopher’s Stone as well as an understanding of macrocosmic and microcosmic forces. This knowledge was inscribed on an “emerald that fell from heaven”. It is unknown who actually wrote the Emerald Tablet, but tradition credits Hermes Trismegistus as the author. Many actually believe that the Emerald Tablet wasn’t carved on emerald at all, but rather Moldavite.
Legends tells us that when Lucifer fell from heaven, Archangel Michael swung his sword at Lucifer’s crown an emerald fell out and hit the Earth. This legendary emerald was symbolic of the fall of humanity and also the key to humanity’s redemption. In Legend this emerald was the Holy Grail itself. This emerald that fell from the sky sounds very much like Moldavite itself. It is believed that this emerald was was then fashioned into a cup or bowl by another angel that served as the cup of the Last Supper.