5D Healing Crystals
Tree Agate Chair
Tree Agate Chair (12"×12"×14")
Tree Agate is a stone of inner peace and plenitude. It brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life, including business and agriculture. It can be used to enhance the yield of crops or to maintain the health of house plants. Dendritic Agate creates a peaceful environment, both inner and outer, and encourages the enjoyment of each moment. This crystal has a particularly strong connection with the plant kingdom and can enhance communication with that realm. It deepens your own connection to the earth. However it is used, Dendritic Agate works slowly and takes time to be fully effective. Psychologically, Dendritic Agate encourages you to remain centered in times of strife or confusion, bringing stability. It lends you perseverance and the ability to see difficulties as a challenge. Spiritually, Dendritic Agate urges you to remain connected with your roots as you grow. Dendritic Agate opens and aligns the chakras, enabling them to integrate higher consciousness.
Tree Agate brings our focus to the oneness of us all, dissolving egoism and arrogance. Use Tree Agate to ease relationship problems with children. Dendritic Agate is ideal for examination of self, and the self-imposed limitations and patterns that make up one's life experiences. It is a helpful talisman for anyone involved in therapy, meditation, rebirthing, a twelve-step program, or any path of serious work that requires a day-to-day behavioral change necessary to achieve desired results.
Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. Agate also helps new mothers avoid the "baby blues" sometimes experienced after giving birth, and an Agate jewel worn between the breasts encourages lactation.
Tree Agate is a protective amulet when traveling, especially by air and against traffic accidents. As a professional support stone, Tree Agate stabilizes the energy levels of secretaries, and provides travel protection for airline and postal workers.
Tree Agate is a highly supportive stone that boosts the immune system and regulates the balance of water in the body. Tree Agate helps to clear energy blockages in the Nadis (energy channels) to allow for a greater flow of this energy throughout the body. By opening up these pathways, Tree Agate can help connect to the natural cycles in life, thereby opening one up to a flow of abundance and prosperity. Having a deep connection to nature, Tree Agate can assist those involved with conservation projects. Tree Agate is a healer of geopathic stress; by emitting its calming and centering energies into the environment. Physically, Tree Agate can help ailments of the nerves and blood capillaries, but is especially helpful to those with neuralgia.