5D Healing Crystals

Nature’s Antidepressant Smudge (Bay Leaves X White Sage)

₱250 ₱300

Burning bay leaves for anxiety

Anxiety relief is touted as a major benefit of bay leaf burning.

This is probably due to the fact that bay leaf smoke contains linalool, a compound found in a number of other plants, including mint and lavender. Lavender is another plant commonly used for treating anxiety.

According to the theory behind aromatherapy, inhaling certain fragrances prompts olfactory (smell) receptors in your nose to communicate with the areas of your brain that help regulate your emotions.

The evidence

Research suggests that linalool, in the form of lavender essential oils and extracts, seems to have a calming effect.

A 2010 study

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exploring the effects of inhaled linalool vapor in mice suggests it could help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

After inhaling linalool, the mice seemed less aggressive and more inclined to interact with other mice. They were also more likely to leave a dark area and explore a bright area, a test often used to measure anxiety levels in animals.

Another study from 2016

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involved giving rats a daily oral dose of bay leaf extract for 1 week.

The rats seemed to show less anxiety, as determined by several behavioral tests. The extract also appeared to help reduce depression and stress.


8 Benefits if Smudging:

In addition to cleansing the air of unwanted bacteria, the benefits of smudging, and producing negative ions are many, including:

Increasing your sense of well-being and improving mental focus. Smudging removes the debilitating effects of excess positive ions in the air in a way that’s been described as a natural antidepressant

Clearing negative energy. The smoke helps to change the molecular structure of both the air and energy, which produces a cleansing effect. As the sense of smell is strongly linked to memory and instinct, smudging is very effective for combating feels of anger, fear, anxiety, grief and depression.

“Nature’s antidepressant.” It seems that the negative ions produced from smudging offer serious antidepressant effects – so much so it’s said to be at least as effective as a prescription antidepressant without the side effects. 

Clearing the air. In addition to bacteria, smudging can help clear the air of pollen, pet dander, dust, mold spores and other potential allergens to improve allergy symptoms.

Cleansing objects. Not only can smudging cleanse a room, but it can cleanse objects. Whenever you bring a new object into your home, especially something like an antique that’s likely to have been exposed to negative energy over the years, you can use a smudge stick, allowing the smoke to pass over the time to help clear it so that it doesn’t affect you or your environment.

Relaxing effects. Smudging can offer calming, relaxing effects that are known to help lower blood pressure, relieve stress and tension and normalize breathing rates, as the negative ions produced are absorbed directly into your bloodstream – they may even help to fight off damaging free radicals that can lead to premature aging and disease.

Increased energy. Studies have found that the negative ions produced also help to normalize serotonin (that well-known feel-good hormone), in the brain, which can help boost one’s mood, improve focus and create a more positive outlook.

Improved sleep. An Italian study showed that negative ions can help improve sleep patterns, also have positive effects on regulating serotonin production.

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