5D Healing Crystals
Clear Quartz Raw Points
There is no better crystal for manifesting realities, programming intentions or amplifying energies, than a Clear Quartz Stone. It’s a bold statement, but this is a bold crystal. We like to think of clear quartz stone as the ultimate rockstar. In the crystal world, keeping up with the Quartz’ can be like keeping up with the Jones’—it’s hard to match up to a crystal as universally powerful as Clear Quartz. While clear quartz has enjoyed mystical notoriety since the days of ancient Greece, today, it’s even used in technology to hold currents of energy.
Clear Quartz stones also bring clarity of the mind, helping you to focus and become clear on your dreams and desires. They assist with spiritual development and with removing any energy blockages that occur in the body. Clear quartz connects to every chakra. It will purify and re-energize your chakric field, so that your mind, your core and your base are all working in harmony at their highest potential. When you are working with other crystals and their meanings, try adding the clear quartz meaning into your combination. It will amplify the energies and magnify your intention.