5D Healing Crystals

Black Jade Bracelet


Black Jade is an etheric bodyguard and protection stone. It will bring powerful energy shields not only for your physical body, but for your heart, mind, and spirit as well.

It will protect you against negative energies or entities, as well as people who sap your energies and project their anger, aggression, or bitterness in your direction.

Black Jade will also defend you against morphogenic fields of negative energies, like violence and fear that are projected through different mediums during times of crisis or turmoil.

Black Jade is also an excellent aid when you need to start looking inward. It will encourage a truthful self-evaluation, and it will help you absorb and transmute your unhealthy or damaging emotions.

Black Jade is a stone that will encourage an independent way of living despite your physical limitations.

It will inspire you to live an active and happy life, and it will remind you not to give up on your dreams just because your physical circumstances make them harder to achieve.

It will help you create a healthy and harmonious balance, especially if you live with people who have strong or dominating personalities.

It will help you say the right words and demonstrate moral support. It will also prevent you from being manipulated by someone who’s generous with praise and clever with their words.

It’s an excellent stone for getting rid of your feelings of guilt. It will also eliminate your self-defeating attitudes.

It will remove your excessive desire to change yourself into someone you’re not just to fit in.

It will encourage you to think for yourself, and to form your own opinions instead of just going for the popular opinion.

Black Jade is a wonderful dream stone that will help you access the spiritual world. It will also help you gain insight from your experiences, both good and bad.

It will promote creativity, and it will help you resolve your issues with the help of your dreams.

It will encourage ambition and manifestation, and it will infuse you with the confidence and self-reliance to make it happen.

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