5D Healing Crystals

Emerald Earrings


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Properties: Emerald is a symbol of “love and good fortune“. This stone is used for abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity and honesty. It used against negative energy and has been used in many forms of divination. Most effective on the Heart Chakra perhaps because it access desires held deep within. Emerald provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing, and infinite patience.

Lifts depression, helps with insomnia, the “knowing of the heart” and peaceful dreams. Helps the wearer gain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. The pale, clear, green Emeralds are valuable in meditative work, as well as healing.

It combines energetically best  with a diamond. It gives wisdom from the mental plane, so that the possessor is motivated to give love and wisdom to others. They were used to strengthen memory, to assist in eloquence, and to reveal the truth or falsity of a lover’s oaths. This stone is regarded as a powerful remedy for all problems of impaired imbalances, therefore, creating harmony. Emerald can be used to attract love(particularly later in life), heal a damaged love or abuse.

Emerald is excellent for past-life recall and is good for banishing nightmares that interfere with dream work.  Regression work is strengthened by the use of emerald due to its structural rings, which help “communicate”.  They can be used with any prosperity ritual or used in binding rituals against psychic attack.  Emerald attunes to Taurus, Gemini and some say, Cancer and is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stonesassociated with Venus. It improves psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance.

Folk Remedies: This crystal is the most recommended stone for breathing issues, heart health, swollen lymph nodes, blood problems, the thymus, the pancreas ( for blood sugar rebalance), labor/delivery, eyesight, and the etheric field.

Excellent general healer. Emerald was considered an ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar diabetes. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counselors, masseurs, optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It was also  believed to  enhances the immune system.

Feng Shui: Emerald is used primarily in the Southeast direction for wealth, in the Southwest direction for relationships and in the North for personal growth and journeys.

Silver Setting

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