5D Healing Crystals

Opal Earrings


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Opal is the stone of manipura (the solar plexus chakra), anahata (the heart chakra), and sahasrara (the crown chakra). It carries energies of different elements, depending on the type of opal. Usually, the element associated with opals is water, which makes it an excellent gem for rebirth, regeneration, and discovering new potential. Fire opals, as the name itself indicates, are stones of fire. They foster enthusiasm, activity, and emotional warmth. They are perfect for boosting the yang powers in your body and getting in touch with your erotic desires. Green opals vibrates with wood energy, and will help you – or your child - grow.

Opal corresponds to the signs of Cancer and Libra. It is also the birthstone of those born in October. Legend says that you should never gift yourself opal, because it is bad luck; but that is simply superstition, like the others above. Because of its amorphous structure, opal is considered to be a "transformer" crystal. It’s great for those who want to change something, but lack courage or persistence to do so. Opal talismans can help you get stronger, learn new things, and become a better version of yourself.

Wearing, touching, and observing opals can also help to boost your psychic abilities. It can connect you to the cosmic consciousness, help you see your past incarnations, and give you prophetic abilities. You might even experience visions and see alternatives that weren't visible earlier.

Opal is said to heal various kinds of infections, purify the circulatory and urinary systems, and regulate insulin. It is also said to be helpful with memory and neurotransmitters. 


One of the more popular varieties of opal is Ethiopian opal. Like its name indicates, it's native to Ethiopia, an African country famous for underground churches, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Rastafari subculture. 

Physical Properties of Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian opal is, in fact, hydrophane opal, formed in volcanic ash, between rhyolite layers. It has a bright base shape, and a glossy surface, with tiny rainbow fragments shimmering beneath. If you look at an Ethiopian opal, it feels like fires, nebulas, and tropical jungles are enclosed within it. The hardness of this stone is usually between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale, which makes it a gem prone to scratches.

History and Lore of the Ethiopian Opal

Red and brown Ethiopian opals were discovered in the Yita Ridge in 1994. Classic Ethiopian opals have been excavated in the Welo district since 2008. They absorb water, change their degree of translucency, and don’t crack as easily as their counterparts found in other regions of the world. Some myths say that the Ethiopian opals carry dragon energy.

Metaphysical Properties of Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian opals aren’t any related to specific Zodiac signs. Red Ethiopian opals are fire stones, which have the power to burn past karma and allow for a peaceful rebirth. Classic Ethiopian opals contain water energy; hence, they will work well in purification rituals. If you've just moved into a new place and would like to clean it energetically, try using an Ethiopian opal in your rituals. And, if you're hoping to do inner work, hold an Ethiopian opal in your hand: the Ethiopian opal will help to stabilize your emotions and give you the strength to face your shadows. It can also act as a holograph, a map of your soul. It will help you access the past, present, and future, and resolve energetic problems. Letting go of the past can renew your spirit, and bestow new metaphysical gifts on you.

Ethiopian opals are said to activate muladhara (the root chakra) and svadhishthana (the sacral chakra). Having them around will ground you, give you a feeling of safety, and help you express the truth of who you are. These two conditions must be met before venturing on an adventure with the shadow, and the Ethiopian opal has got you covered. It will restore your joy and add emotional equilibrium to your life.

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