5D Healing Crystals



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Metaphysical Properties

Orpiment opens and aligns the solar plexus chakra. Orpiment stimulates the intellect and is an excellent crystal to use when engaged in investigative analysis or examinations.

Orpiment stimulates growth and provides insights into that which needs to be done.

Orpiment should not be used as an elixir.

Orpiment from Twin Creeks mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Photo: www.5dhealingcrystals

#orpiment is another arsenic sulfide mineral with a stunning orange-yellow color. The mineral is found naturally in hydrothermal vents, hot springs, and fumaroles. Strangely, this mineral was once used medicinally in China despite its toxicity and in alchemy in search for a way to create gold. The arsenic, especially if it is allowed to oxidize, will lead to arsenic poisoning if handled incorrectly.

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